When Your Cat Is a Master of Flexibility.
Behold, the legendary Elasticat! With its spine-bending skills that would make a contortionist envious, this feline friend takes flexibility to new heights. Whether it’s squeezing through impossibly narrow spaces or demonstrating yoga poses that defy human anatomy, Elasticat is the epitome of a feline yoga guru. Need a lesson in “purrfect” stretches? Look no further! This bendy wonder will have you questioning the laws of physics and contemplating whether cats are secretly made of rubber.
So if you ever get a cat, grab your yoga mat and prepare to be amazed. You never know what gravity-defying antics they will have in store.
When Your Cat Wants to Share the Cone of Shame
No cat, or animal, loves the “cone of shame”. As a matter of fact, they are usually quite the dreaded piece of plastic as it generally means that there was a very unpleasant surgery involved that caused them to wear this inconvenient cone. However, this cat decided to be selfless and wanted to share his cone of shame with his father and make sure that he felt included in this process.
Either he was trying to make him feel included or he was trying to make sure that he shared in his pain.
When Your Cat Is Relaxing in the Grass but Still Wants to High Five
Picture this: a cat in its ultimate chill mode, lounging in the lush grass, soaking up the sun like it’s on a feline vacation. But hey, even in the midst of pure relaxation, this cool cat wants to keep the good vibes going. With its paw casually extended, it’s not just asking for a high five, but a full-on paw five! It’s not enough to just relax in the grass when you could get a high five as well.
You can’t leave your cat hanging! He extended a hand for a high five and right after taking this picture you should run and give him that high five.
When Your Cat Hears Someone Screaming Outside
Noises from the outside world can often catch our attention, and it seems our feline friends are no exception. This curious cat has perked up its ears upon hearing a scream that has piqued its interest and his fear. Is it a cry for help or just an overexcited neighbor watching a thrilling movie? Either way, this vigilant feline is ready to investigate and ensure the safety of its territory.

With its eyes wide and ears alert, it stands as the “fearless” guardian, ready to pounce into action or run away in fear, whichever he deems best in the moment.
When Your Cat Tries to Fit in Everything
It’s no secret that cats have a habit of trying to fit into spaces that are too small for them. Not only have they been known to get caught in jars or under the sofa, but this cat is taking it to a whole new level by trying to fit its entire body into a tiny box. There is so much space on the table, why does the cat think it is best to try to fit in this tiny box?
Sometimes you just can’t explain cats and that is what makes them so special and funny. After all, who likes predictable things?
When Your Cat Won’t Ever Let You Go
Ah, the clingy cat syndrome strikes again! This adorable furball has taken “purr-suit” of your attention to a whole new level. No matter how hard you try to move, this kitty is determined to keep you within its paws’ reach. It’s like having your very own shadow, but fluffier and with whiskers. Whether you’re working, trying to relax, or even attempting to leave the room, this persistent kitty insists on being your constant companion. Who could resist such unwavering devotion?
Although this cat looks a bit scared, you have to appreciate the cute and loving bond and death grip that they have on their owners arm.
When Your Cat Can Fall Asleep Anywhere
Move aside, professional nappers, because this cat is taking the crown for ultimate dozing versatility! No cozy bed or plush cushion is needed for this sleepy head. Whether it’s a precarious pile of laundry, a tight shelf, a random shoe, or just this contorted position on the floor, this feline master of slumber can find tranquility in the most unlikely places. He just needs to be careful that no one steps on him by mistake as he rests there.
After all, who needs a designated bed when the world is full of unique and unexpected sleeping spots and in some of the most uncomfortable-looking positions?
When Your Cat Thinks the New Baby Supplies Are for Them
Ah, the classic case of mistaken identity! This cat has stumbled upon the new baby supplies and is convinced that they were brought home exclusively for their entertainment and enjoyment. After all, they rule the roost. From the cozy baby blanket to the new high chair, this kitty sees it all as a personal gift just waiting to be claimed. Who can blame them for thinking the world revolves around their adorable whiskers?

You can’t complain that your cat acts like a baby when you constantly treat them like a baby.
When Your Cat Becomes Another Creature
If you are a cat lover then you probably know that at any given moment your cat can look and seem like an entirely different creature. It only takes one strange move like this one for the cat to appear like a strange animal or another species. This cat looks just about as confused with the transformation as anyone else. They are in another world trying to understand what is happening.
There is also a chance that this cat was just caught doing something that they were not supposed to and that is why they look so strange here.
When Your Cat Prefers Between the Cushions to on the Couch
his quirky cat has discovered a hidden sanctuary nestled snugly between the cushions of the couch. While most cats would opt for the plush surface of the couch itself, this feline marches to the beat of its own purr-sonal preferences. After all…this really does look like the most comfortable and cozy place to have a little nap. And perhaps it also enjoys the element of surprise when it pops out unexpectedly.
It looks like the sofa is supporting the cat enough to stay comfortable but also giving them enough space to really just relax and feel free.
When Your Cat Is Guilty of Manspreading
Move over men of the world because it’s time for some feline “manspreading”! This mischievous kitty has taken lounging to a whole new level by unabashedly spreading its limbs and claiming the maximum space available. With an air of nonchalant confidence, this furball demonstrates that comfort knows no boundaries. No chair or surface is too small to accommodate their regal sprawl. Who knew cats could master the art of manspreading with such finesse?

Just look at the arrogant look on the cat’s face. He doesn’t care that he is manspreading, as long as he is comfortable. The funniest thing would be if this was actual a female cat that was manspreading!
When Your Cat Goes to War Against a Toilet Paper Roll
Prepare yourselves for an epic battle of feline versus toilet paper! This fearless warrior cat has taken up arms against an unsuspecting roll, ready to unleash its skills in the name of chaos and amusement. With each paw swipe, bite, and unraveled sheet, this brave soldier proves that even the most ordinary household item can become a formidable foe. You can see the anger and vengeance in the cat’s eyes.
He is more than ready to destroy this toilet paper roll. He wants to make sure the household and the whole world knows who is boss.
When Your Cat Has a Temporary Malfunction
From the looks of it, it appears that this adorable cat has encountered a momentary glitch in its normal operations. From the perplexed expression to the mid-air freeze, it’s clear that something extraordinary has caught its attention. Maybe it was the person taking the picture and the fact that he was caught in the act, but he really knew how to pose for the camera in the most strange and disturbing way.
Imagine trying to tell your friends that you got a cute new cat and then you go to show them a picture of the aforementioned cat and this is what comes up.
When Your Cat Prefers to Sleep in a Bowl Over Their Bed
Sometimes it seems like a cat will do anything not to use the expensive bed that you bought for them and instead try to find a way to sleep in any other possible position and location. This cat for sure has a few options of comfortable beds to sleep in at home and yet they have chosen this tiny bowl as their bed of choice for the day. Who knows why.
It is a forever mystery that cats can somehow think that this is a more comfortable sleeping position than the bed they were given.
When Your Cat Loves Tampon Wrappers
Sometimes you just can’t explain the behavior of cats. This cat, for example, has the strange quirk of going into the bathrooms around the house and searching for the toilets. Once he finds them, he looks for one thing only…the tampon wrapper. Fortuantley he is only interested in the wrapper and leaves everything else behind. However, that is a very strange thing to be obsessed with and even stranger to find lying around the house.

Who wants to wake up in the morning and find a whole bunch of tampon wrappers scattered across the house? Or come home from a long day and see the same?
When Your Cat Only Likes to Be Picked up in Theory
Cats can be very hard to please. Sometimes they will come up to you looking for attention. They will rub their head against your leg and meow until you pick them up and cuddle them. And then sometimes, like this cat, you will pick them up, just as they seemingly wanted, only to be greeted with a face like this one, begging to be put done and never to be touched again.
This is the cat’s toxic habit…asking to be picked up only to beg to be put back down a few seconds later.
When Your Cat Becomes a Blob
It must be nice to be a cat and just be able to get comfortable in the strangest and most interesting positions. Not only can they fall asleep essentially whenever, but they can also fall asleep in just about any position. This cat contorted his body in such a way when he went to sleep that it was hard to tell where his head was and where his body was.
Although it is funny for the owners to see, you can tell that the cat is quite comfortbale and is having a very nice and quality sleep.
When Your Cat Makes an Underwear Hammock
Each cat has their own quirks, as any cat lover will tell you. However, this is perhaps one of the most interesting ones to be seen yet. This cat’s favorite spot is inside his owner’s underwear, but while they are at his feet. He likes the fact that it becomes almost like a hammock and he is ready to take a nap right then and there, in this strange position.
Imagine your cat trying to do this any time you go to the bathroom. It must be pretty alarming to see every time you try to go to the bathroom.
When Your Cat Has Nubs for Paws
This cat has mastered the art of looking adorable. Maybe they know that this is their best angle and that is why they are posing for the camera like this. They want the world to see how cute their little paws are when they put them against the fluff of their body. This really looks like a goofy and cute little cat who is also very beautiful and pure at the same time.

Maybe the cat is begging for a treat and this is the way that they do it. They look their cutest and then just wait, hoping for the best.
When Your Cat Does Yoga to Fall Asleep
Yoga is increasingly popular these days and there are some places that even offer puppy yoga. But have you seen that there are apparently some cats that are doing yoga as well? This cat is in quite the flexible yoga position and appears to have relaxed a little too hard. Now they have fallen asleep and they are napping in this extraordinary position that looks like only a yoga master could pull off.
This kitty does look quite comfortable and does appear to be enjoying this sleeping position. Should more humans try out something similar?
When Your Cat Loves the Bathtub, but Only if It’s Empty
It looks like not all cats hate the bath. This cat appears to be the exception…with one small difference – the bath must be completely empty. While most cats would run for cover at the mere sight of water, this quirky kitty sees the bathtub as a personal sanctuary, a place to retreat and revel in solitude. After all, every cat deserves a little “me” time, even if it’s in the most unexpected of places.
This cat is shameless in their love of the bathtub. They are basking in the comfort while their owners just watch and observe.
When Your Cat Has Tiny Front Paws
This kitty is taking cuteness to a whole new level. While some cats boast majestic paws that seem to span the universe, this charming kitty flaunts its uniquely tiny paws that fit perfectly on top of its back paws. This makes it as if they are perched on top of each other. Each cat is unique, even if they are born with a genetic condition that makes them as cute and adorable as this.
It must make life very difficult for this cat, however. How can they walk around when their front feet are that much shorter than their back feet?
When Your Cat Is the Kind of the House
Cats are already fairly arrogant animals. Not only do they think they rule every house that they walk into and especially the ones that they live in, but there are certain moments when you are sure that they truly believe they are god’s gift to this earth and that they deserve everything. It seems like this cat, all sprawled out on the ottoman, is just waiting for the servant to bring him a drink.

Could this cat look any more comfortable? Everything about this cat’s position seems comfortable and cushy. Why would thy ever move from such a perfect spot?
When Your Cat Can Get Comfortable Anywhere
This list has certainly been filled with its fair share of cats falling asleep and getting comfortable in weird positions, however, this one takes the cake. This cat is not even able to relax in this position. He is essentially suspended from the chair. How is he able to fall asleep when he is also required to hold on for dear life? It seems like a strange choice.
This cat is going to wake up with a terrible headache if he falls asleep like that. After all, you can’t just sleep upside down and think it will be normal, if you’re not a bat!
When Your Cat Is Actually a Liquid
There has been much debate around the fact that sometimes it seems that cats are actually liquid. They can fit into the smallest places without even the slightest difficulty. They can twist and turn in the strangest ways and they seem perfectly comfortable and natural doing so. This cat is apparently able to twist its head all the way back as if he were an owl. Who would have thought?
Most people were led to believe that only the owl could twist its head to such an angle and degree. It’s strange to see that a cat also is able to.
When Your Cat Goes Crazy
Do you ever get concerned that maybe one day and some time your cat will just go crazy and lose its mind? Well, your biggest fear could be coming true and all you have to do is look at this picture to see it. No one knows why this cat was so angry and what it was so angry about, but it would be advised to stay away until it calms down.
Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing your cat like this. You would probably think that the end of the world had come.
When Your Cat Wants to Be a Snail
It looks like cats have impersonated quite a few other animals on this list already, namely the owl and now the snail. Maybe this cat saw a snail outside at one point and was inspired by the curling position of its shell. And this is just its attempt to replicate it. They were immediately satisfied as they were able to fall asleep and without a problem in the least bit.

This cat really looks like a snail. It is almost a perfect replication of the curves and winding of a snail’s shell. Maybe this cat is also an artist!
When Your Cat Finds the Perfect Nap Spot
Nothing is better than finding the perfect nap spot. you are exhausted and too busy tossing and turning to be able to fall asleep. And then, all of a sudden, you simply collapse and you find the perfect spot. You are asleep in an instant and you are happily comfortable in your positioning. This kitten is the perfect example of being completely comfortable in a napping position on the sofa.
He also looks extra cute because he matches the sofa so well. They are both gray and the contrasting shades compliment each other perfectly and in the cutest way.
When Your Cat Is a Nosy Nelly
Sometimes you just can’t help yourself. You must see what is going on in your neighbor’s life. It appears that not only humans are nosy and curious about what is going on in the world. And it seems that “curiosity killed the cat” isn’t just a phrase that came out of nowhere as many cats are quite curious. What is going down next door that is so intriguing and must be watched?
He almost looks like he is dangling from the window but he is actually just lifting up his arms and holding the portion of the window frame for no reason.
When Your Cat Hates All the Beds You Got Her
Sometimes, as a pet parent, you can try as hard as you want to please your pet, and yet, somehow, nothing will ever be good enough. You will buy them the most expensive and the nicest beds and yet they will not use them. You will sacrifice your pillows for their comfort and yet, at the end of the day, they will still choose the least comfortable place to rest.
Some people think that this is done out of spite from the cats, but that is not always the case. Maybe they just like to have an uncomfortable place to rest and they don’t need all the cushions and pillows.
When Your Cat Wants to Fight
There is something so strange about seeing a four legged creature standing up on only two legs. All of a sudden they seem so tall and out of place. This Siamese cat loves to stand up on its hind legs all of the time…although the reasoning is unclear. Is she ready and waiting to fight? Is she trying to see something that is higher up? Or is she just stretching for the fun of it?

Whichever answer is the reason, it is quite a funny sight and it’s a good thing that their owner captured the strange moment on camera for the whole world to see.
When Your Cat Thinks They Are a Sloth
And here you have it, a cat who is impersonating another animal. You saw the owl and the snail and now you are presented with the sloth. This cat is hanging from its toys as if it were a sloth. However, this cat has slightly more terrifying eyes that any sloth probably ever has. He looks like he is ready to attack the person who dared to film him like this.
The owner was rightfully terrified and genuinely concerned that they might not make it through the night with a cat that looks as scary as this cat does.
When Your Cat Is in a Gang
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe your pet was in a gang in a different life? Although it has probably not crossed your mind, now that you see the image of this cat making this strange gang-like code, you may think differently. Perhaps your cat wasn’t in a gang, but this cat definitely was in one and this sign of safety is something that stuck with him even in his next life.
Or maybe this cat has created a cat gang and this is their sign. It doesn’t have to be a human gang automatically, after all. Maybe they have created an elite cat gang and mafia.
When Your Cat Deflates
Have you ever seen a deflated cat? The answer to that is probably no unless it was a blow up cat, which hardly exists. However, as has already been previously discussed, some cats have the ability to become liquid at certain times and it looks like this cat is one of them. He has deflated and become a liquid at the same time, laying himself flat over the sofa.
Even though this kitty is deflated, he does appear to be quite comfortable. He is stretched and comfortable and it looks like quite a nice position to relax.
When Your Cat Likes to Stare
Cats are interesting creatures. They are also quite unpredictable and each and every one is quite different. Just because one cat likes to mind its own business and do its own thing does not mean that another will do the same. This cat, for example, loves to sit on this man and just watch and wait for him to open his eyes and wake up. He wait patiently every day.

This seems more like something a dog would do, however, this cat is making a bit of an exception to the rule of other cats. He is staring, manifesting his dad waking up to bring him food.
When Your Cat Likes Their Privacy in the Shower
Where is the last place that you would ever expect to find a cat? Anywhere that is close to water. And yet, this person’s cat loves to frequent the bathroom, particularly the shower. Whether or not it would still like the shower area if there was water in it is something else entirely, however, it goes without saying that this cat likes the dry shower quite a bit and thinks it’s the perfect nap spot.
How dare this cat’s human to open the shower door without knocking and just barge in like that. The cat seems to be having a very private moment.
When Your Cat Becomes a Pretzel
Introducing the newest shape for the cat to contort itself into. This cat has become a living pretzel. The color and the coat of the cat also match the pretzel like idea and make it look even more realistic. It looks like the cat is comfortable on the one hand, but on the other hand, its eyes are wide open and it does not seem to be fully enjoying itself.
The cat almost looks like it is stuck on the chair in that position, however, that is most likely not the case. Just make one loud sound and the cat will be up and about in an instant.
When Your Cat Looks Suspicious in an Attempted Murder
It’s hard to tell what is going on inside a cat’s mind at any given time. It is hard to tell when it comes to cat and human relationships and even more when it comes to cat and cat relationships. Here is the prime example where it is very unclear if this is an attempted murder or just a cuddle sesh. The cat underneath does look slightly dead…or it could just be asleep.
Regardless, the cat on top looks very suspicious and seems to know and understand that they are doing something that the humans would perceive as a bit strange.
When Your Cat Is Exhausted From Humping
Animals will be animals and although dogs are much more famous for humping random things, cats are also guilty of it from time to time. This cat seems to particularly enjoy the activity and has been caught enjoying himself in that manner for long periods of time with his favorite cow toy. This is the result of overdoing it a bit and needing a little time to rest and relax after.
He looks a little bit too human like in this photo. It’s easy to forget that he is a cat when he has such human like demeanor and mannerisms.
When Your Cat Wants to Explore the Basement
Some cats do not like getting themselves dirty at all and others will happily get covered in mud and dirt. Some cats like to relax on the sofa all day and do nothing while other cats like to explore the world and see everything that there is to see. This cat falls into the latter category with both of these thigs. He likes to get covered in mud and dirt (the bath doesn’t scare him) and to explore the whole world.

That is why it was no surprise when his family caught him after a long and hard day exploring the basement and all the dirty corners, only to come out of it looks like this and almost injured in the process.