1. “Jaws”, the dogs version
Dogs don’t always like water, but this one looks like a professional swimmer!
2. Super Pug is back in town
This sporty Pug is taking coolness to a whole new level.
4. Guardian of the skies

Most dogs would probably run away when hearing a plane taking off so close to them. This dog, however, is particularly brave and trained. Her name is Magic, and she managed to stand still while the plane took off right behind her, creating this magical image!
5. The happiest hour
These adorable dogs are called Junior, Simba and Reina. Meir spent countless of shooting sessions with them, so they got used to the camera and well trained to follow his instructions
8. “I think we got it!”

This cute couple looks so professional! We hope the dog on the left got that perfect picture he wanted.
9. Bones eater by day, graffiti artist by night
It almost looks as if he painted a self-portrait, with that black dog on the wall, putting his tongue out!
10. When you wake up the next day with no idea of what happened last night
It looks like these two know how to celebrate!
11. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s Superdog!

This dog is definitely the best Frisbee player we’ve ever seen.
12. A perfect spot to rest
This Golden Retriever seems so peaceful, no wonder this bird picked him as her resting place.
13. If dogs can fly, does it mean they are sort of angels?
This mini Australian Sheperd is named Pebbles, she belongs to a dog photographer from Berlin and has a long record of professional photo shoots. That explains why she’s so good at it!
14. I’m the king of the forest!
If the casting team of The Lion King is looking for their next star, we think this dog might be a perfect choice!
15. You are blocking my sun

This dog is so chill, it looks like he’s on his way to Midburn festival.
16. That moment when you see a snack just around the corner
Those enthusiastic ones are the best!
18. How to have the best Valentine’s day ever, Step 1: Get a dog.
This picture was taken right after Valentine’s Day, and this romantic couple made the perfect look for it!
19. Too much style to handle

This gorgeous Rough Collie stands like a professional model, creating this elegant shot.
20. I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the skies
This energetic puppy is called Charlie, and his owner has been following Meir for a long time. When Charlie was born, she scheduled the photo shoot 4 months ahead and waited for him to grow enough for modeling.
21. The best playmate
This joyful image was taken in Berlin, and actually has a sad story behind it: The day before it was taken, Meir and Yael were informed that their own dog, Arrow, passed away. The dog in the picture, Nika, and her owner Joana, managed to cheer up Meir and Yael, and it turned out to be the most creative and successful shooting week Meir have had.
23. The gang’s all here

The dog seating in the right side of the bench is called Lychee, and as you can tell, she celebrated her birthday on that day! The dogs seating around her is actually her family.
25. Love you fur-ever.
This cutie is called Marlie. He’s the most trained dog Meir has ever photographed and performs over 70 different tricks! In this picture, it looks like he is also a master of heart-melting gazes.
26. This dog surly knows how to stand in line
This beautiful Rough Collie fits perfectly in that wall painting.
27. Best friends come in all breeds

A group of Dalmatian, Olde English Bulldogge, and an Australian Shepperd is quite rare!
28. I’m taller than you now!
We would totally cast this dog for an action movie as a stunt dog!
29. Love is in the air
These two puppies, Sharlok and Bruno, were captured in Stromovka park in Prague.
30. All aboard!
Miro and Nuri are two lovely Toller dogs, well trained and disciplined. The picture was taken while the train reached its last station, and stopped for 3 minutes only!
31. Just had a trans-fur-mation

That moment when you leave the hair salon, ready to get your perfect profile picture. We think these two totally got it!
33. Just a relaxing afternoon game with a friend
Who said dogs can’t play Chess?