When Dogs Smile at Their Crush
Don’t you love it when a dog is so happy that they literally smile? We couldn’t think of a better example than this image. Here the pet parents have published a picture of her pup, who is ‘smitten’ with George, the great dane she’s met at a doggy daycare (also pictured in the photo). You can see by the happy smiley look on her face just how much she loves George!
We love how the height difference hasn’t deterred this pooch. Dogs are just the best, right? We love their adorable little personalities! Do you think they know how cute they are?
Dogs Are Loyal Almost to a Fault
We all know that man’s best friends are well-renowned for their loyalty. Dogs don’t care who you are, where you come from, or apparently…what crimes you’ve committed; providing you treat your pup right, they’re bound to stand by your side. This is just such an awesome example of doggy devotion. In this picture are three men lying on the ground. Allegedly they’re part of a drug gang, and they’ve just been arrested.
In response, their guard dog is lying down with them in solidarity; what an incredibly affectionate Rottweiler. However, we have to say that we’re pleased to hear that this guard dog didn’t attack the police – what a good pooch!
Puppies Sometimes Feel Sorry for Themselves
If you haven’t ever seen a dog feel sorry for itself, well, now you have. How adorable is this picture? Our hearts go out to this poor little pup. As you can see, he has a big green cast on his front leg, and he’s not happy about the situation. The way he’s sat on his bottom a bit like a person and slumped over with his downcast face; just makes our hearts melt!
Let’s hope he doesn’t have to have his cast on for too long and can get back to running around and doing everyday doggy things! Perhaps the original poster could take him out in a dog pram so that he can still enjoy walkies?
When ‘tough’ Dogs Break Stereotypes
When we first saw this picture, we couldn’t help but let out an audible ‘awwwww.’ If you look up the word ‘precious’ in the dictionary, we wouldn’t be surprised to see this image next to it. It’s always cute to see a dog with stuffed toys, but even more so in this case. We all know the kinds of stereotypes associated with these bigger ‘bruiser’ type dogs, so to see this pooch carrying a teddy seems against the norm – and we love it!

It seems to be a Winnie the Pooh toy, and we love the idea of this dog not wanting to leave the house without it! It’s too cute for words!
Pups Apparently Have Memories Like Elephants
They say that elephants don’t forget, but that age-old adage also applies to dogs. Here is the story behind this picture. About a month prior to this photo, this dog (Dusty) managed to sniff out half a pie discarded in this bush. What a find! Ever since that day, whenever he walks past this special ‘pie bush,’ he has to go and investigate – who knows? Lightening might strike twice!
We really hope that Dusty finds another pie soon. Perhaps the original poster could plant a pie in there every now and again to make Dusty’s hard work worth it!
Some Dogs Will Do Anything to Make a Walk Last Longer
We all know how much some dogs LOVE their walks. So much so that some owners can’t actually say the word ‘walk’ or ‘walkies’ in front of them – they get too excited at the idea! By the looks of this picture, we reckon this dog falls into this category. Apparently, Robert throws himself on his belly in protest every time he realizes that his walk is coming to an end!
This is proof that some dogs will do anything to stay out a little longer on their walk. So cute! We can’t help but think that this reminds us of trying to get out of bed in the morning!
When Dogs Pick up Trees Instead of Sticks
We all know how much some dogs LOVE finding and carrying sticks on their walks. However, some canines take things a bit too far, and instead of plumping for twigs, they manage to harbor sticks the size of a small tree! As you can see, that’s exactly what this proud pooch is doing. Do you think he’s showing off to the other dogs he might come across on his walk?
This stick is so big that it looks stuck between the trees lining the pathway. Whoops! Probably for the best; I doubt this dog’s owner would have allowed this branch in the house anyway!
This Dog That Managed to Fit Three Balls and a Stick in Its Mouth
We don’t think this chocolate lab could have fitted anything else in its mouth even if it tried – and no, this image isn’t photoshopped! Apparently, this goofy pooch was instructed to retrieve the three tennis balls it has in its mouth. But not only did this hound manage to bring back all three balls at the same time, but he also managed to squeeze in a stick to boot – the perfect accessories for any doggo!

What an incredible effort from the best of boys – this is what true dedication looks like! We just hope he got some treats as a reward for all his efficiency!
Pooches Want All the Pets
Look at this big friendly giant! According to the original poster, this loveable four-legged friend has ‘figured out’ that sitting toward the edge of this brick wall ‘gets her the most pets from passers-by.’ All this fur baby wants is attention, is that so much ask? We certainly don’t think so! We’d give her all the pets in the world – how could anyone say no to that adorable face?
Of course we can’t speak for everyone, but we reckon that this friendly doggo is the highlight of most people’s morning runs – because this picture certainly put a smile on our faces!
Doggos Can Be so Dramatic
Hahaha! This sign made us literally laugh out loud! This is what it says: ‘If you see a little dog near this sign, please don’t worry, she is not lost, she lives here, her name is Chrissy, and she is sulking, she is very friendly and loves fuss, but she refuses to come inside unless we give her treats…we are out of treats. If you witness her faking her own death…
By lying in the road and pretending she has been run over, walk on by, she is just looking for sympathy as she has no treats.’ We have no words for how funny this is!
Did You Know Dogs Can Camouflage Themselves?
We all know that white things are more likely to stain – carpets, sofas, jeans, tops, sheets, etc., you name it, if it’s white, you know it’s going to end up looking dirty, and you’re going to have to spend ages cleaning it. But, apparently, the same can be said of dogs! Who knew? It’s hard to believe that this fun-loving pooch wasn’t always one giant grass stain…he was indeed bright white!

But look at his face- he doesn’t seem to care, does he? On the contrary, he looks like he’s having the time of his life, so perhaps that’s all that matters!
Loyal Doggie by Day, Shoe Thief by Night
Why do we get the sense that there’s a good reason why the original poster can’t use the bottom half of their shoe rack? We know we live in a jurisdiction where we’re innocent until proven guilty…but we think the bereft look on this dog’s face says it all. If we were on a jury, we would think that this dog is guilty of, yes, you guessed it, shoe theft.
Perhaps this anti-crime measure will prevent further thefts? Is it wrong to hope that despite all this effort, this pooch manages to get one last shoe? Just look at how sad his little face looks! Maybe some pet training is in order?
The Brussels Griffon
Oh wow. At first glance, this doesn’t seem like a real dog – it looks more like a dog-like doodle that’s been brought to life. Its huge head and giant eyes appear disproportionate to its tiny body and legs. All in all, this pup is as odd-looking as it is adorable – aided by the fact we can’t see his back legs, rendering it the appearance of a two-legged fluff ball!
No accessories are needed to make this dog adorable! A quick scroll through the comments on this original post tells us this breed is the ‘Brussels Griffon.’ So, contrary to what we were all thinking, no, this dog isn’t photoshopped!
Who Knew That Dogs Can Shrug Their Shoulders?
We’re not 100% sure what’s going on here, but one thing we’re sure of is that this picture is as adorable as it is hilarious. Is this furry friend trying to shrug its shoulders a bit like a human would? Maybe he doesn’t know where his toys have gone? The confused look on its face and the perplexed glint in its eye might suggest that’s exactly what this dog is doing. Or perhaps he’s trying to do his best starfish impression?
Do you think this dog can strike this pose on command? How cool would that be?! Whatever the case, we’re glad the original poster captured this picture at the perfect time!
Waking up Next to Sleeping Beauty
Dog owners fall into one of two categories: those that love snuggling with their pooch at night and others with a strict ‘no dogs on the bed policy.’ Apparently, this dog has her own bed. But despite that, the original poster woke up to this exact view. The eyes look puppy-ish, full of love, and simply adorable. However, something about the teeth gives us cause for concern! But we’re pretty sure this furry friend just wanted to wish her owner a good morning!

All joking aside, how could you kick this dog out of bed when she’s so darn cute? Perhaps she was trying to wake her owner up for breakfast or a walk – classic doggo move!
Zion the Ball Thief
The doggo pictured here is called Zion, and as you can see, he is looking pretty proud of himself – and with a good reason. According to the original poster, Zion managed to steal their nephew’s ball. Subsequently, he ripped it to pieces and is now wearing it as a sunhat or, as the original poster puts it: ‘wearing it like he’s in Silence of the Lambs.’ Phahaha – that made us laugh!
Do you think Zion’s new hat looks a bit like a helmet? Perhaps he’s hoping his humans will play football with him? Or maybe he’s preparing for a battle? Who knows what goes on in the minds of our doggies?
Some Dogs Have Incredible Balance
About a million questions came to mind when we first saw this photo. Most notably, why did this doggo feel the need to perch itself on this fire hydrant? Was there something on the ground he was scared of? Does he think it gives him a better view of the street? Is he showing off his incredible balancing skills to the other neighborhood dogs? We’re unsure why or even how this furry friend held this position.
It’s usually cats that manage to jump up and balance themselves in the most precarious of places. Maybe that’s where this pooch got the idea from. Did he see a local cat strike this pose and copy it? Did it take an immense amount of pet training? Who knows?
When Your Pet Is a Secret Contortionist
Oh boy! Two words spring to mind: ‘Why’? and ‘how?’ – surely this can’t be an exceptionally comfortable position for this doggo. Do you think he is stuck? We are unsure if he is. After all, he doesn’t look very distressed. On the contrary, he seems super chilled out! The way this dog snaked around the headrests so that his body is covered makes it look like a magic trick!
We hope that the driver wasn’t driving when this picture was taken. We don’t know about you, but we wouldn’t be able to concentrate after seeing the pickle this adorable goofball has gotten into!
These Pet Owners Didn’t Capture Their Dog’s ‘Good Side’
The original poster captioned this photo with the following ‘My dog’s beauty is sometimes hard to capture on camera.’We couldn’t help but giggle at that! A few people in the comments section said this pooch looks somewhat like a seagull, and now we can’t unsee it! Maybe it’s the eyes that are so far apart and the panic-stricken expression? That said, we’re sure this dog is beautiful in real life, and this is just an unflattering photo (we’ve all been there, right?).

We also love how this dog is fully kitted out with a balaclava and a coat. This pup has all the swag – but from its expression, we’re not entirely sure if it’s happy wearing it!
The Doggo That Upstaged Its Parents Wedding
Is anyone else thinking: ‘We hope this is the bride and groom’s dog.’ Or is just us? We all know that most dogs demand to be the center of attention, and it looks like this doggo is no different – he has to have the limelight…even when his Mom and Dad (we’re assuming!) are exchanging their vows. Perhaps this pup is just super happy his parents are tieing the knot? He certainly looks overjoyed!
We love that the bride looks like she’s laughing; what a fabulous wedding photo! We would get this one framed and hang it with pride of place above the mantelpiece.
A Cat Regretting Its Life Choices
It is a well-known fact that cats hate the water. Unfortunately, for this kittie, it seems he momentarily forgot that fact. As you can see, this cat (Ed) is floating on a foam mat in the middle of a swimming pool, and he doesn’t look too happy about it. Ed appears to be mid-meow, and his eyes look as surprised as they do scared. All in all, it’s a pretty funny pic.
Perhaps this cat saw his humans floating in the pool and decided to try it to see what all the fuss was about? All joking aside, we hope the original poster went into the pool to rescue Ed…after they stopped laughing, of course!
Just a Furry Friend Stuck in a Bush
You know how some people are just effortlessly calm in a crisis? Apparently, some dogs boast the same character trait! This photo is an example of this in action. Pictured here is a canine called Shiba Inu. As you can see, they’re stuck in a bush, and they really don’t seem too fussed about their predicament. On the contrary, this four-legged friend seems to be pretty happy to hang out!

We can’t help but wonder how this fur baby managed to get stuck in a bush that’s so high from the ground! Also, how long were they there for? The mind boggles!
Oh Quack!
This almost doesn’t look real. How does this even happen? It’s the sort of thing you might see in a cartoon program! That said, you’ll be pleased to hear that the original poster rescued this duck immediately after this photo was taken. One comment on the original post suggested that ‘Maybe the duck was standing on top of the fence, but slipped because it’s a duck and not a cat?‘

To us, this seems like the most plausible explanation. Poor ducky – we hope he didn’t hurt his little legs! Fortunately, he doesn’t look like he’s in too much distress; from what we can tell, this story had a happy ending!
Dog or Seal?
Dogs often look like seals. Apparently, they descend from common ancestors, which is likely why their facial structures look so similar. Fun fact, right? That said, have you ever seen a doggo that looks more like a seal than this pooch? Admittedly, how the blanket’s draped around this pup so that only his big snoot is on display helps with this illusion. Plus, the back of the blanket looks remarkably like a seal’s tail!
Do we reckon this dog was once a seal in a previous life? Or do you suppose he’s preparing to go undercover to see what life’s like as a seal? Who knows?
Ferrets Get Themselves Into Such Pickles
Pahahaha, the original poster’s caption for this image was: ‘She never thought the toilet paper roll would fight back,’ and we couldn’t help but laugh at that! Upon first glance at this image, we felt a bit uncomfortable. Her little arms seem to be trapped inside the toilet paper tube, and her face looks a bit distressed. However, we don’t know anything about ferrets! So we took a look at the comments on the original post.
From what we could see, there were a few ferret lovers on there. One commenter said, ‘Ferrets are literally noodles; they can wriggle out of anything. It’s all good.’ Having read this, we can now see the funny side of this snap! Moral of the story: toilet tubes aren’t toys!
Tortoises Can Get Into Poopy Situations
Oh, bless this sweet tortoise – he looks like he’s in quite the pickle! Apparently, the owner of this tortoise came in to find her poor pet helplessly flipped over on its back. Upon inspecting the scene, the original poster thinks the tortoise had done its business. The tortoise then managed to get some of its poop on his foot and, in response, ‘ran’ in circles to try and get it off.
It seems like the tortoise overexerted himself and accidentally flipped himself onto his back. We can’t help but wonder, what happens to tortoises that manage to do this to themselves in the wild?!
This Dog Just Wants to Be Fashion Designer
They say animals are acutely aware of their needs and will do what they can to make themselves as comfortable as possible, and this picture is a fabulous example of that. Here the original poster’s four-legged friend managed to chew a head-sized hole into his towel, and as you can see, this doggo has stuck his head through it to wear it like a poncho. From what we can tell, this sounds like a regular occurrence!

How cute is that?! Clearly, this dog has an excellent sense of style. Or perhaps he was trying to signal to his owners that their air conditioning was too high. Who knows?
Racoons Are the Worst Thieves
Uh oh. It looks like this adorable raccoon was caught red-handed burglarizing a vending machine at Pine Ridge High School. But what’s a raccoon supposed to do when he gets the munchies – especially when there are so many delicious snacks ripe for the picking all in one place?! Though sadly, it seems like this raccoon’s master plan has failed. He looks like he’s stuck! But at least he has plenty of snacks to keep him company!
We can’t help but wonder whether this raccoon has thieved from this vending machine before. Is this the first time he’s been caught? We want to know the backstory of his criminal behavior!
A Baby Goat That Broke in and Got Stuck in a Trash Can
This is arguably one of the funniest situations on this list. First things first, this is not the original poster’s goat. So this is what happened. The photographer of this image ‘heard something going on in the kitchen.’ This was then proceeded by ‘screams of bloody murder.’ Naturally, the original poster went straight to the kitchen to see what on Earth was going on – and this is what they saw!
A random goat has managed to get itself stuck in their trash can. This picture is as funny as it is adorable. We’re just glad the original poster could come to this gorgeous goat’s aid!
When Your Dog Thinks It’s a Cat
Hahahaha! How does this even happen? The original poster’s caption is just as funny as the photo. This is what they said: ‘Is this what people mean when they say their dog is broken? Asking for a friend.’ We would love to know what prompted this doggo to jump on top of the kitchen cupboards. We also love that the other two dogs (on the floor) look incredibly confused about what they’re looking at!
Do you think this pup saw a cat do the same thing and decided to copy it? Also, do you think he regrets getting stuck up there? We would love to know what’s going on in this doggie’s head! Maybe some pet training could help?
Raccoons Have Eyes Bigger Than Their Bellies
Oh no! This is what happens when your eyes are bigger than your belly. As you can see, this fur baby got overly excited at what it could smell in this trash can, and consequently, he got himself stuck head-first! According to the original poster, animal control had to come and rescue him! However, we’re glad to hear that this raccoon wasn’t stuck in the recycling bin for too long.

We can’t help but wonder how often animal control has been called out to rescue raccoons that have gotten stuck in trash cans. Is it a regular occurrence? Either way, it’s the cutest dilemma!
Dog or Monkey?
We love how proud of himself this doggo looks. Just look at his happy, furry face! Far from being stuck in this coconut tree, this four-legged friend seems to be very happy where he is. But we can’t help but wonder how he managed to get up there. Did he have assistance? Or does he secretly possess cat-like abilities? Who knows? Either way, his balancing skills are second to none!

We love that from the original poster’s caption; this might not be the first time this has happened: ‘Thought I was monkey, but am doggo. Bamboozled again,’ Good for you, doggie – keep doing you!
What Happens When Your Cat Manages to Get Its Head Stuck in a Vase
They say curiosity killed the cat, and although this story’s ending isn’t as dreadful as that (thankfully!), it certainly shows that cats sometimes get caught out by their own inquisitiveness. So, this is how this shocked-looking kittie came to be wearing such a showstopping necklace. For context, this is a picture of the original poster’s friend’s cat, and apparently, it got its head stuck in a vase. As you can imagine, the kittie ‘freaked out.’
During the feline’s meltdown, it managed to smash the vase, leaving the cat wearing what looks like a colossal choker-style necklace – the must-have accessories for felines! Luckily, this cat didn’t hurt itself in the process!
Puppies Get Stuck in the Funniest Places
If you have ever owned a puppy before, you’ll know they’re always getting themselves into trouble. But, because they’re so cute, they can get away with murder – and this is a great example. Here this Daschund puppy managed to get itself stuck in the sofa cushions. How adorable is that? Just look at his little face. If he could speak, we reckon he would say, ‘stop taking pictures, Susan…
…it’s not funny. Put the phone down and help free me from the pickle I’ve got myself into!’ On a side note, we love how his tiny paws can’t even reach the ground – awwww!
Cat or Snake?
No, contrary to what this picture looks like, this cat hasn’t got itself stuck. Instead, when its owner ‘rescued’ him, the kittie hissed at them and proceeded to burrow itself back into this sock-type thing. We can’t say we blame this cat; it does look incredibly comfy! What can we say? No one likes to be disturbed when trying to relax and unwind – why should this cat be any different?

One thing’s for sure, cats do the funniest things, and this photo is an adorable testament to that fact! We wonder what other naughty things this kittie gets up to? We bet there’s never a dull moment!
This Cow Got Too Curious for Its Own Good
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Why does this remind us of Winnie the Pooh with his head stuck in the honey pot? As you can see, pictured here is a cow that’s managed to get its head caught in a tree. We’re not sure how this happens. Did this cow smell something intriguing and couldn’t help but take a look? Was it curious to see the inner workings of a tree trunk?
Who knows? Whatever the reason behind this dilemma, we’re curious how the man in this picture will free the cow from the tree! But a quick look through the original comments tells us this story has a happy ending, and the cow was successfully released!
Cat Yogi
We love this photo. You’ve likely heard of pooches doing the downward-facing dog yoga pose, but have you seen a kittie striking its own yoga stretches? Well, if you haven’t, now you have. We can’t say that we’ve ever seen anything like this (until today!) As you can see, this feline is caught between its scratching post and the bed. Perhaps he’s conflicted and doesn’t know which to go to?
Then in the panic of making a decision, the cat got itself into a muddle, and this bizarre stretch is the result. Or do you think he’s limbering up for a game of twister? The mind boggles!
Hamsters Can Get Too Chunky for Their Food Bowl
Have you ever seen such a fluffy booty?! It’s so cute! Apparently, this food bowl isn’t suitable for chunky hamsters, and this furry friend found out the hard way! As you can see, this hamster has gone to walk through the tunnel to exit its food bowl and has sadly got stuck – and this picture is the result! Perhaps it’s time for this hamster’s pet parents to consider a new feeding bowl?
So many questions spring to mind. Is this a regular occurrence? Can the hamster free itself from this dilemma, or does it need assistance? But one thing’s for sure; it’s darn cute!
Just a Couple of Doggos Stuck Down a Storm Drain
So, this is the story behind this bizarre photo – and no, the ninja turtles aren’t recruiting! These two doggos managed to get themselves stuck in a storm drain. But from the happy looks on their faces, they don’t seem that bothered about their predicament! We’re not sure how these pets got rescued. Was the fire department called? Were they lifted out of the manhole cover? We’re not sure how this story ended!
These doggos have certainly been on an adventure, and it is nice they got to share in the fun together…even if it probably gave their owner a small heart attack!
It’s Chaos When a Dog Gets Stuck in a Baby Gate
Oh dear, it looks like this furry friend has gotten into a lot of trouble that no amount of pet training could have prepared it for! To begin with, we weren’t 100% sure what we were looking at. However, upon further inspection, it seems that this four-legged friend managed to get itself stuck in this baby gate. Perhaps he was trying to get one of his favorite toys? According to the pet parents, to free this dog, a call to the non-emergency fire dispatch was needed – that, and four lots of treats.

Fortunately, this lovely doggie didn’t come to any harm! All we can say in response to this story is that dogs do the craziest of things, but despite that, we wouldn’t be without them!