The Priorities of a Pooch
Although some people choose to get a dog so that they can have protection, not all dogs live up to that expectation; on the contrary, most dogs (like this yellow lab) will sit peacefully if they see a human in danger, robbers in the house, or even an actual apocalypse. However, the minute you open a bag of chips and one little piece falls to the ground, they come running.
It seems like nothing can stop them when food is involved. They will reach the food and have that little tidbit of goodness before it disappears forever and is never seen again.
Any Time You Get on the Floor
Have you ever tried working out when you have a dog? Whether it is yoga or an intensive workout, there is practically no way that you will be able to get on the floor to start exercising, and your dog will not immediately assume that you are there to cuddle. You will look up and see this face staring at you, waiting for what they deem to be cuddle time.
You can’t blame them for being confused. It’s not so common for you to get closer to their level on the floor, so why wouldn’t it be to have better cuddles?
What a Little Walk Can Do
For people who are struggling with depression, there is no doubt that having an animal, especially a dog, is one of the best decisions that they could make. Even when it seems like the last thing they want to do is get out of bed to go on a walk, they know that the dog has to, and so they get up. Once they’re out, they see how it makes them feel better.
Most dogs are therapy dogs even without trying to be therapy dogs. It’s just a natural part of their personality. They want to love and help their owners always.
Good Luck Getting Something Out of Your Dogs Mouth
Any dog owner will know that there is hardly anything more impossible in this world than trying to get a piece of food out of your dog’s mouth. Even if it is something that they definitely should not be eating, the minute they are caught, they will chew as fast as possible just to enjoy the taste before you manage to pry it out of their mouth. You almost don’t stand a chance.

They not only chew as fast as possible, but they also clench their mouth shut so that there is almost no way you will succeed in extraditing the stolen object.
Dogs Can Count Better Than You Think
Never underestimate the intelligence of a dog, especially when there is food involved. You may think that your dog cannot count; it seems like it couldn’t be possible. However, all of that will change as soon as you bring food into the picture. If you pull out three treats and try to give them just one or two, there is no way they will not notice that there is one missing.
Maybe they only appear intelligent when it is important to them. Otherwise, they don’t really care to count because it isn’t that important to them if there is no food involved.
Be Careful What You Say at All Times
Many dogs are fully capable of understanding multiple words. As a dog owner, you know not to say those words unless you are ready for the excitement that comes along with them. The most common words that perk a dog’s ears are “park, walk, treat, and food.” The minute you say any of these words, they will activate the excited mode. There is hardly any controlling them once it gets to this point.
On the other hand, there are plenty of words that they do not like to hear – with the most famous one being “the vet.” Very few dogs want to hear that they are going to the vet.
Why Are You Still Here, Human?
When work from home started as a result of covid, there is one thing that is for sure: the dogs of the world were very happy. At least the majority of the world’s dogs were very happy. This person’s dog seems to be the exception. He is not used to seeing his parent at home all day and is trying to understand the situation. He is just roaming around the house aimlessly, staring, trying to understand.
Maybe the dog is actually very happy, but he is just trying to comprehend what is going on. He is confused and happy at the same time.
Just When You’re Trying to Go to Sleep…
Although there is no doubt that dog owners love their little fur babies, they can definitely still be quite aggravating at times. One of these common instances is when you are trying to go to sleep, and your dog seems to think that this is the perfect time to have a big, long drink of water. Something that you normally think is cute is no longer cute because of the timing.

Why do they have to be so loud when they are drinking, and it is time for bed? Why are they so thirsty just around bedtime each day?
The Real Meaning of Happiness
Ask any dog owner what one of the happiest feelings in the world is to experience. Most of them will tell you that it is when you are in a different room from your dog and you call their name. Within an instant, you hear their paws hit the floor with excitement as they run toward you. There is really no greater feeling in the world than seeing their pure excitement.
They are so excited that you thought of them and wanted to see them for a moment. Most dogs will come running right away just out of pure excitement.
Expectation Versus Reality
There are all sorts of debates going back and forth on whether or not you should sleep with your dog at night. There will never be a conclusive answer to this. However, one thing is for sure: if you sleep with your dog in the same bed, they will take over the bed. You might think they’ll just sleep peacefully at the end of the bed, and maybe that’s how it starts out, but things will quickly change.
It is only a matter of time before they realize that they can get the most comfortable parts of the bed, and they’ll end up anywhere else. But a dog parent will say that it is all worth it.
A Dog Always Needs Attention
Sometimes it seems that no matter how much attention you give your dog, they always want a little bit more. They aren’t just satisfied with the little pets that you offer every now and then. They want your full, undivided attention at all times. You can pet them for hours straight, stop for a few minutes, and they’ll come to you as if it has been years since you gave them attention.

But they always come up to you with the cutest faces. How can you resist that look, as they are just asking for a little bit of love?
Why Are They Always so Quick to Try to Escape?
Most dog owners provide just about everything that a dog will need. Unlimited food, water, love, and shelter. They are living the perfect lives, not having to pay for anything and just getting everything they need constantly. However, the minute you open the front door, you’ll see them bolt as if you were torturing them. Is it just the excitement, or do they really think they’d survive in the outside world?
Most dogs would not be able to survive even a day or so in the wild on their own without the help that they get from their humans, and yet they still try to escape!
Best Friends Forever
Have you heard of man’s best friend? In case you need proof that that is exactly what a dog is, here is the photograph. You can see the little baby that was lucky enough to grow up with a cute puppy. Even 15 years later, they are the best of friends. There is no loyalty like a dog’s loyalty. It’s really just a shame that dogs do not live longer lives.
You can see how the dog is trying to protect the baby and the boy as he grows up into a teenager. Some things never change!
The Kids Better Not Be Allergic to Dogs
Any dog owner’s worst nightmare is having children and then realizing that they are allergic to dogs. Of course, this is just a joke to explain the sadness that a dog parent would feel if their human child was allergic to their beloved fur baby. However, the sentiment is still there. Maybe they will just have to take anti-allergy pills for their childhood since the dog is a part of the family too.
At least the baby looks like he is happy here. He, too, wants not to be allergic to dogs and is only sad that he can’t be cuddled by the cute animal.
They Are Each Experts in Their Respective Duties
Dogs are very intelligent animals, but it is also very important to train them well. They have the potential to locate and sniff out bombs, help people with visual impairments, identify cancer, and so much more. However, not all dogs are able to do that without the proper training, and most of them just end up eating cans of instant coffee and bars of chocolate even though it is toxic for them.

It’s funny how there is so much variety in what dogs can do and their skills and abilities when they are trained in different ways.
Hey Buddy, Do You Need Anything Else?
For some reason, there are some pet owners who think that their sofa is more important than their dog’s comfort, and so they do not allow them on the sofa, the bed, or any furniture. However, that is not the case with all dog owners, as can be seen in this meme. Many dog owners do quite the opposite and try everything to have their dogs as comfortable as possible.
Maybe they don’t actually offer them a bowl of chips, but something like their favorite dog food of kibble instead would make a lot of sense. It’s snack time and movie time!
This Is What Heaven Looks Like
All true dog lovers know that the majority of things that they receive on Instagram are simply videos of dogs. This meme shows what heaven would look like if every dog whose post you liked on Instagram were to be waiting for you at home one day. It would undoubtedly be a neverending stream of dogs. What could be better than this? You should start liking more dog posts if this is even somewhat possible.
Social media has many issues, and it is not the best way to spend your time usually. However, when it comes to dog pictures, all of that changes. There is nothing better than dog videos on Instagram.
Expensive Treats? Nah. Slippers? Oh Yeah
There is nothing more frustrating than spending a lot of money on the best treats or dog food and then finding out that your dog does not even want to eat it. Instead, they would prefer to fill their stomachs with your nice and juicy slippers. You could understand, maybe, if it was a steak or a chicken bone, but what is the appeal of eating a slipper over nice dog food?
Some people say that dogs want to eat or chew on their owner’s slippers because the smell reminds them of their owner, and it means they love them. However, why do they have to eat it? Chewing should be enough, or just smelling!
If It’s for Your Dog, It’s Worth It
Some people might be hesitant to buy something expensive for themselves. They might think that $20 is just too much and they don’t need the item. However, if they pass by a pet store and see a nice toy or a new food or treat that their dog might enjoy, there is just no resisting. There is something about becoming a pet parent that makes you think of them over yourself.

You might only think that parents of human babies think this way, but that is definitely not the case. Pet parents really do become like mothers or fathers to their dogs.
A Little Spin Can Solve Just About Anything
It’s funny to see a dog’s reaction to being able to sleep on one of the most comfortable beds in existence. You can offer them a bed fit for a queen, and the dog will still circle around a few hundred times before they find the perfect, comfortable spot and position. On the other hand, take them outside into nature, and you will see them fall asleep comfortably on a rock.
Some things just don’t make sense. But maybe you shouldn’t try to explain dog behavior when they are thrust into the human world, a world that is not the most natural for them.
That Time of Year When Dog Hair Takes Over the World
Having a dog that sheds can be a scary experience sometimes. No matter how hard you try, you cannot get the dog hair off of all of your furniture. It becomes almost like a sandstorm of mess that overtakes your entire house. As much as you try to clean it up, more just appears the next day. It almost seems like it is a losing battle; you truly cannot win.
The dog is so innocent while they do it as well. They don’t even understand what havoc they are wreaking.
When You See Your Hairdresser Outside of the Salon
Every hairdresser has a favorite client, and every dog groomer has a favorite dog. However, both the dog and the groomer are probably not used to seeing each other outside of their usual settings. As you can see in this meme, the shock is quite intense. This dog probably thought that the groomer never left the salon, that they lived there, ate there, worked there…everything. They couldn’t hide their shock when they spotted them elsewhere.
Maybe it wasn’t a shock at all, and this dog was just extremely excited to see one of its favorite people unexpectedly. That is the look of excitement and not the look of shock.
The Constant Expectation for Snacks
There’s one thing you know for certain if you have a dog: they will always expect to have a portion of whatever you are eating. There is no way you can pull out a sandwich or a snack without your dog also wanting to have a little bit of it. It’s like a tax. The dog always expects (and usually gets) a portion of whatever you are eating at any time.

If you usually give them little bits of the food that you are eating, then they will certainly expect to get a portion each time they see you with new food.
Fighting the Urge to Bark at Night
It seems like some dogs really do have a conscience, while others have an evil and dark little angel telling them to do something horrible. Most dogs probably have this little devil on their shoulder telling them to bark in the middle of the night while everyone is sleeping. They know that they shouldn’t; they know that everyone is asleep, and this will wake them up, but they just can’t fight the urge.
They listen and give in to the little devil that is telling them to do this horrible thing and to wake up their whole family in the middle of the night for no reason.
You’re Back Already!
Dogs are known to get very sad when you leave the house. Some dogs, if they see you getting dressed or putting shoes on, will already start to cry or whimper, hoping that you won’t leave without them. That’s why, if you have to go back into the house because you forgot something, the look of excitement on your dog’s face is unmatched. They cannot believe that you came home so quickly.
It’s an emotional roller coaster for the dog. They are sad and then adjust. Then they are sad again and then have to adjust once again.
Nothing Like Dog Kisses on the Glasses
Most dogs are pretty affectionate animals. They are more than eager to kiss you all over your face any time they have the chance. This normally isn’t too much of an issue unless you are someone who wears glasses. At that point, the experience of your dog giving you excessive kisses becomes one that is very different as their kisses will cover your glasses with their wet tongue and licks.
Can you really complain, though? It just shows how much your dog loves you. It doesn’t even matter at that point if your glasses are smudged a little bit.
You Will Never Be Free to Open a Snack Bag in Peace Again
Once you get a dog, you are essentially forfeiting your freedom to eat snacks alone and peacefully ever again. No matter how quiet you are or how much you try to hide it, if you open a snack, your dog will hear and will come running. It doesn’t matter what is in their way; they will come. They can hear and smell it from miles away, it seems, sometimes.

Maybe not all dogs will literally break through the wall like this just in order to get a snack. However, they will definitely try and stare at you with eyes of desperation until you share with them.
When You Look at the Dog You Love
There is no doubt that the majority of dog owners truly love their dogs more than just about anything else in the world. So when you tell a dog owner that your pupil can expand up to 55% when you look at something you love, it’s no surprise that they immediately imagine their eye to be entirely black. Their pupils can expand to the absolute maximum when looking at their beloved dog.
Of course, this is a bit of an exaggeration; no one’s pupil would get this expanded even after the longest day of looking just at their very well-loved dog.
Be Careful What You Step on
If you are not ready to play, then maybe you should put the toys away because if you do not, you run the constant risk of stepping on one of your dog’s squeaky toys. The minute that happens, there is no stopping the excitement that comes from your dog. After all, in their mind, the only reason that you made that noise was to play with them. There was no way it was an accident.
You have to play with them a little bit once they get that look of excitement on their face. You riled them up with the squeak; you can’t just ignore it from there.
The Strange Way That Dogs Want to Play
Although some dogs are taught how to fetch from an early age, not all dogs quite understand the game. Some dogs don’t even have to be taught how to play fetch, but others create their own version of the game altogether. It’s almost like a “catch me if you can.” They don’t want to give you the toy that they have in their mouth, but they also want you to throw it.
The logic is a bit strange, but what can you say? They want the best of both worlds, a “catch me if you can” type situation and also fetch.
Waking up in the Morning
Most people do not have the luxury of being morning people. However, when you have a dog, you almost do not have a choice; you are forced to become a morning person whether you like it or not. Most dogs wake up and are so excited to start the day they feel that they can take on the world. They are ready to play and go for walks and have lots of hugs and kisses.

Most humans are happy to have the hugs and kisses and cuddles in the morning that the dog is offering. But most people also are not thrilled to wake up and go for long walks and play.
Grammar Matters
It is common knowledge that you should clean up after your dog when they go to the bathroom. Only the lowest of the low dog owners leave the dog droppings on the street for others to potentially step in by accident. There are often signs like this one reminding dog owners to pick up after their dogs. However, the wording on this one was a bit unclear, and this owner decided to make a joke out of it.
He isn’t technically wrong when he picks up his dog after he pooped. You can only hope that he also picked up the dog poop in the process.
Caution: Extremely Cute Dog at Play
You really never know what you are getting yourself into when you see a “Beware of Dog” sign outside of someone’s yard. Many times it means that there is actually a very dangerous guard dog waiting to protect the house from any intruder, and you need to be careful. However, it also could mean something like this. The only concern with this dog is that you would die of cuteness overload.
This puppy could grow up to be a vicious and scary dog; you never know. He could also grow up to be the sweetest and gentlest creature on the earth.
Always Something to Show to Your Guests
Having a dog is like having a child. Just like new parents can’t stop showing off their child’s latest tricks and cute things. The same thing applies to dog owners. They want to show you the latest cute thing that their dog has done, how cute they are when they do tricks and the funny thing you can do with their ears. The list is neverending, just like with new parents.
But who can deny this cute and comical face? Just look at that tongue and those cheeks. They are both funny and adorable at the same time.
How Dare You Be Out of Dog Treats
If there is one thing that any spoiled dog will find to be the most unacceptable thing ever, it is running out of dog treats. How dare you not plan ahead and have multiple varieties of dog treats available at any given time. How dare you not cater to every single possible need of your pooch! And no, the extras from your meal are not enough to satisfy the spoiled doggo.

You can see that this bulldog is not happy with the current state of things. He wants a treat for being a good boy, and he is disappointed that there are none to be found.
They Steal the Food in a Blink of an Eye
You really have to be on the lookout when you have a dog and some food in the same room. No food is safe, and it seems that no distance or location is safe from their attempts to confiscate it for themselves. In just the blink of an eye, they can grab something off the table or the counter, and it can be consumed with literally no trace left at all.
They like to take things as their own, like this pup saying, “swipity swopity, your food is now my property.” They have no shame or remorse and are just happy to have your tasty food.