Zorro and Zorro Jr.
You probably don’t need us to tell you that animal lovers fall into two categories. There are dog people and then there are cat people. But the main reason dog people don’t like cats is because it’s quite obvious that they have a mischievous and scheming side. And do you need any more proof than this?! Zorro Jr. is obviously meant to distract you with cuteness, while Zorro Snr. steals all of your snacks.
These two may be the perfect crime-fighting team with the perfect mask markings on their face, but they don’t fool us. We’ll be keeping our snacks safely locked away in a cupboard, thank you very much.
Such a Good Boy
Dog moms are obsessed with their dogs, but what about dentist dog moms? Well, we have a feeling that they’re pretty obsessed with their pooches too. Especially when they work so hard like this one. This therapy dog has been trained to help anxious dental patients feel calm and contented when they’re sat in the chair, and it’s fair to say that the dog looks pretty calm and contented, too.
Yes, this dentist dog mom must be pretty proud of her pooch when she sees photos like this one. The little girl looks pretty happy to have this goodest of good boys laying on her lap.
A Fearless Feline Leader
While we’re sure the brave troops in this van have an actual human leader, who are they kidding? Sure, someone can pretend as though they’re in charge, but we all know who is in charge when a cat is involved. These animals aren’t pets. They are fearless feline leaders who will stop at nothing to defeat the enemy. You just have to look at this cat’s face to realize that!
We guess we can understand why animal lovers like having cats on their side. We’d rather be on the same side as the cat, rather than on the enemy side, any day.
The Big Question
History has been full of philosophical questions. Why is the sky blue? Why does evil exist? What came first, the chicken or the egg? But this funny animal photo poses one of the biggest questions of them all… what came first, the hand or the cat? Well, there are two answers to think about here. Answer one: The doting pet owner wanted his cat to have a soft place to lay its head.

Option two: The cat came along after the man’s hand was already on the ground, and thought it was the perfect place to lay down. Either way, this whole thing is pretty adorable.
Be Vewy Afwaid
Appearances can be deceiving, people. Sure, this may look like the most adorable pet you’ve ever seen in your life, but don’t be fooled! That’s exactly what this tiny, cute, and utterly scrumptious kitty wants you to think! It’ll draw you in with its butter-can’t-melt eyes and its teeny-weeny paws, but in reality, this cat is plotting the best way to get you out of the picture so that it can have all of the catnip to itself.
Yep, just look at those little mini-murder mittens. Those nails look seriously sharp, and we have a feeling that this bewitching little kitty isn’t afraid to use them if it needs to. Still cute, though.
Just Hanging Out
If you’ve ever wondered why women get annoyed when their clothes don’t have pockets, this is why. After all, this poses a real problem when you have a clingy cat who just wants to be by your side all the time! And while men like this one can simply pop their kitty into their short pockets and start cooking dinner, women don’t have that privilege. And that’s a real problem.
And as you can see, the cats love just hanging out too! This little guy has found the perfect spot to snuggle while they wait for their tuna dinner, and it looks super comfortable.
“Are We a Joke to You? ”
There are two different stories going on in this funny animal photo. On the one hand, you have a happy owner who was over the moon to find slippers that looked exactly like her cats. But on the other hand, you have cats who weren’t too impressed with the likeness. And we can’t really blame the white one. The hooman didn’t even get the eye color right with that one!
Judging by the death stare the cats are giving her, they’re not a fan of the slippers. So, she shouldn’t be surprised to wake up and find that they have mysteriously gone missing.
Wanted: Tiny Pumpkin
If you’re obsessed with your pet, whether that’s a dog, cat, lizard, or hamster, then you probably want to spend all of your time with them. You can’t leave them out, after all! And this hamster owner knew the drill when Halloween was around the corner. They knew that they had to get their hamster involved in the spooky festivities, but you can’t exactly buy hamster Halloween costumes online. So, they improvised!

With a little creativity and some scissors, the ghost hamster was born! But we can’t help but think that something is missing. Does anyone have a tiny pumpkin lying around that the hamster can carry?
Go, Pebbles!
The worst thing about having pets is that you know they’re not going to be around forever. Unless you intend on buying a tortoise, of course. And while dogs have an average life expectancy of 10 – 13 years, there are a few dogs who decide to fight back against that statistic and stick it out for much longer. So, can we all have a round of applause for Pebbles the 22-year-old dog?!
But what you might not realize is that 22 dog years equates to well over 100 human years, which means that Pebbles is equally as impressive on the human scale. What a trooper.
Small Dog, Big Love
Animals are so much more than pets or adorable balls of fluff for us to obsess over. They’re also perfect for those who are struggling with their mental or physical health, which is why the benefits of animal therapy are immeasurable. Not only does cuddling an animal release serotonin, but these fluffy creatures can put a smile on anyone’s face and give them something else to think about for a while.
For some people, animals give them a sense of calm – and it looks as though that’s exactly what’s happening here. This man may be under the weather, but this puppy is working wonders.
The Happy Dog Face
If you’re a dog mom or dog dad, you’ll know what the happy dog face is. It’s the face your beloved pet makes when they’re truly happy and content to be around you, and it’s one of the most fulfilling and wholesome things you could ever experience. But don’t worry if you haven’t experienced it before, because this adorable animal photo sums it up perfectly. You’ve got the soft eyes, the head pressed against the hand, and the arm cuddle!

Yes, all of the signs are pointing to the fact that this doggo is utterly obsessed with this human, and that just makes our hearts so full. Dogs are just so pure!
A Tiny Graduate
Sure, humans achieve a lot in their lives. But where would we be without our pets? We love our animals, and they’ve seen us at rock bottom. And we bet this guinea pig has seen this girl at her worst, too! From the late nights studying in her bedroom to the stress-crying sessions ahead of exam season, this guinea pig was probably her very own therapy animal. So why shouldn’t it get some graduation credit, too?
This girl obviously thought the same, which is why she even fashioned a tiny gap and gown for her beloved pet. And we have to say that this little guy looks pretty proud of their achievements.
What Is This Thing?
If you’ve ever tried to introduce your cat to a new cat, you’ll know that these meetings are often hit-and-miss. After all, cats are naturally solitary and independent creatures, and they don’t often form bonds with others – even with new cats in the family. And while we’re sure the cat parents of this kitty thought their beloved pet would be happy with a new cat in the house, this pose and facial expression suggest otherwise.
This is one of the funniest animal photos we’ve ever seen, as you can see the absolute nonchalance of this cat just by looking at its face. It doesn’t know what this thing is, and it doesn’t know what he’s expected to do with it.
Poor Little Bun
One of the worst things about being a pet parent is when they get ill or injured. They can’t tell you how they’re feeling, and you just hope that the vet is doing right by them. And while we’re sure this little bunny is confused as to why it has the tiniest cast in existence on its arm, hopefully, it knows that it’s for the best. And hopefully, its owners are giving it extra love and care!
It looks like they are, as they’ve even pimped up their bunny’s cast! After all, every cast deserves some kind of doodle. It’s the ultimate sign of love when a cast gets signed.
A Pup Bun
You’ve seen a man bun before, but have you ever seen a pup bun? Well, dog moms that have dogs with long ears will know the struggle. Although their long ears are the cutest thing in the world, they’re also pretty impractical when it comes to eating and drinking. Their ears either get soaking wet or they have crusty, dry food in their ears at the end of the day, and it’s all a bit gross.

But this scrunchie idea is genius! We bet these cute little puppers don’t ever get wet or dirty ears, and we bet they’ve never looked so cool during mealtimes. They’re style icons.
All Mine!
Does anyone else feel like this little kitty when someone tries to steal their leftovers? Well, we don’t blame you. Some people (and some animals) are extremely food motivated, and we’re going to go ahead and assume that this cat is one of them. And while they had a giant pile of food in front of them, they wanted to feel confident that it was all theirs. So, they climbed their food mountain and claimed it for themselves!
The look on this cat’s face seems as though it’s shouting, “This is mine! This is all mine! Mwahahaha!” And while we’re sure it’s not an evil kitty, it is when it comes to its food. That’s understandable.
Peeping Toms
Wondering whether you want a pet in your life? Well, it’s probably best you answer a few questions first. Number one: Do you like sharing food? If you answered no, then a pet is not the right thing for you. Number two: Do you hate cuddles? If you answered no, then a pet is not the right thing for you. Do you like your privacy? If you answered yes, then a pet is not the right thing for you!
And while dog moms deal with the situation in this funny animal photo on a regular basis, it seems as though some cats are peeping toms, too. This owner can’t even go to the bathroom in peace.
What a Poser
Although most pet owners love their animals more than life itself, there’s nothing more annoying than having an animal that doesn’t like having its photo taken. After all, you’re supposed to take photos of your pets all day every day, right?! And while most of the sheep in this photo are obviously the unphotogenic kind, let’s give a round of applause to this little cutie in the front. This sheep knows what’s up.
In fact, we can only assume that this particular sheep has experience working as a sheep model. It’s seriously working the camera! That pose, that tiny smile, those ears! Everything is perfect.
A Purrrfect Snowflake
If you’re a cat mom, there’s a high chance that you think your cat is perfect. Sure, it might use your couch as its personal scratching post and it might sing to you every night at midnight, but it’s still perfect! And we bet the owner of this cute little kitty thought their pet was even more perfect when the most adorable snowflake landed right on its head on a cold winter’s day.

If we didn’t know that this snowflake was real, we’d think it was photoshopped! But it seems as though the perfect snowflake has landed on the most perfect cat. It’s just a whole load of perfection.
Just Helping Out
Any dog mom will know that pooches always have to get involved. You might be mowing the lawn, and your dog wants to help. You might be baking a cake, and your dog wants to help. Or you might be having a cuddle on the couch, and your dog wants to help by squeezing into the tiniest gap available! They’re just on hand to help at all times, which is why this one sprung into action.
Sure, this dog didn’t know why these strange bronze creatures were all pulling at each other, but it wasn’t just going to stand by and do nothing! It was going to get involved, no matter what.
A Job Well Done
Everyone, meet Darwin! Darwin, meet everyone! This good boy has been trained to sniff out narcotics, and this picture just goes to show that he’s incredibly good at his job – and he definitely knows it. From the tongue falling out of his mouth to the confident pose, Darwin knows that he definitely earned his tennis ball after this day. In fact, we think he deserved two tennis balls after this impressive find!
Well, we think he looks proud, anyway. Either that or he sniffed a little too hard when he was sniffing out this yield. But whatever the case, he certainly looks happy.
Hide and Seek
Yes, fellow dog moms will relate to this one! While some games of hide and seek with your dog are consensual, there are others that are a bit more one-sided. And we’re talking about those one-sided games where your off-leash dog sees the leash once again and realizes that you want to take them away from the park. This dog knew exactly what was up, so he decided to hide as best as he possibly could.
This hilarious animal photo proves that this dog just didn’t want to leave the park. But what it failed to realize was that its cuteness could still be seen through the grass!
Pure Joy
Parents of children will say how amazing it is to see the world through their children’s eyes, but parents of dogs also say the same thing! There’s nothing more wholesome than seeing your pet experience something for the first time, and this dog’s dad went through exactly that when they moved from the hot climate of Florida to the cold of the north. After all, their dog had never seen snow before.

As you can tell by this adorable photo, this dog was pretty happy to see the weird popsicle dust! And if you don’t think this is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life, you’re wrong.
Polar Bear or Dog?
Forget the polar bear Coca-Cola advert. We think the company should just use this photo instead! It offers everything a company could possibly want from its advertising. It’s eye-catching, it’s adorable, and the product is in plain view. And in this case, we want whatever this dog has had – because this cutie pie looks pretty content and comfortable right now. Just look at that tongue poking out! You couldn’t get more comfortable if you tried.
Of course, that probably has something to do with the fact that this dog is in its happy place, but the product placement would just be too good to ignore.
Mirror Mirror
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the greatest doggo of them all? This one, of course! Although we don’t know what is going through this dog’s head, we can only assume that its dog mom has taught it all about morning affirmations. After all, you can’t start your day without telling yourself you’re beautiful, strong, and smart, can you? No, we thought not. This dog is all about that self-care.
However, we can only assume that this funny animal photo was taken before it had recited its morning affirmations. It looks a little sad, but we’re sure that all changed a few minutes later!
The Dog Kangaroo
Let’s be honest; it’s basically impossible to be in the presence of a dog and not take a million photos of them. Although you try and refrain from taking a photo of them literally doing nothing, there’s just something about their overwhelming cuteness that takes over your body and forces you to whip out your phone. But we have a feeling that some dogs don’t appreciate these photos – especially when they’re mid-run.
When this dog mom tried to take a photo of a happy dog run, they were instead greeted by a dog-turned-kangaroo that looked as though it had been caught doing something it shouldn’t have been doing.
“It’s My Shoe Now”
Oh, how can you not love a spaniel?! With their long ears, their fluffy coats, and their puppy dog eyes, spaniels are the cutest of the cute. But anyone who has ever experienced a spaniel before will know that nothing is safe around these guys. If any shoe or sock is unattended for even 1/10th of a second, it’s immediately claimed by a spaniel. And you’ll have a very hard time getting it back from them.

But while this is a funny animal photo, there’s all have a moment of silence for the owner of these Nike Air Force 1s. After all, they now only own one of them.
Life Is Tough
Although dog moms do anything and everything to give their dogs the best existence ever, these puppers still make it seem as though they have a tough life. They randomly sigh as though they’re working hard to pay the bills when in reality they’re accidentally being fed two dinners and falling asleep while getting out of their bed. But we get it; falling asleep in a sideways bed must be hard!
It almost looks like this adorable animal was trying to get out of its bed to reach its toy, but it just proved too much for them. Let’s hope they dream about chasing squirrels, instead.
The Best Distraction
If you’ve ever tried to work from home with a pet in the house, you’ll know that it’s basically impossible. Cats will happily sit on your keyboard and refuse to move until you’ve given them their favorite treat, and dogs will lounge on your desk chair until you give up for the day and play fetch in the yard instead! And this dog knew exactly how to get its owner’s attention.
From the look on this dog’s face, and that excitable tongue, this guy wasn’t taking no for an answer! So, we can only assume it took his dog mom two seconds to give in.
It’s a Hard Pooch Life
Have you ever had the overwhelming need to just fall asleep? This normally happens to humans after a long day of work or a particularly late night the evening before. But it seems as though life is pretty hard for pooches too – especially after a day of playing fetch and barking at the mailman! So when this dog had an overwhelming urge to fall asleep, it gave in in the cutest way possible.
Although this doesn’t look too comfortable for the dog, there’s no denying that it looks super adorable in this position. We guess you’ve got to catch the zzzz’s wherever you can.
Hello, Friend!
One of the things we love the most about our pets is that they just have so much love to give. You could be having the worst day you’ve ever had, but your pet will always be happy to see you! And if you’re a dog mom, there’s nothing better than seeing your dog’s tail wag when you walk through the door or meet them at the front gate – or seeing their big smile!

We’re no dog experts, but we have a feeling that this cute pooch was super excited to see its owner when they got home from work. In fact, they almost jumped over the fence to greet them!
Caught Red Hangered
Any dog mom will know that dogs are pretty naughty. But not in a mean, nasty way. They’re naughty in a cheeky way, and sometimes you can’t help but laugh – especially when you see funny animal photos like this one! And while the feigned innocence in this dog’s eyes makes it seem as though it wasn’t raiding the closet, the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. It really did get caught in the act.
But clearly, the dog was framed, right? We can’t imagine that a pet that’s this cute or adorable could do such a thing. Innocent until proven guilty, that’s what we say.
A Hidey Hole
Hands up if you hate thunderstorms? If you’re waving your hands in the air like you really do care about the prospect of being struck by lightning, then you’re not alone. But just as some humans don’t like thunderstorms, some pets don’t, either. Dogs are particularly scared of loud noises, and this dog decided to find a perfect hidey hole during one of these storms. And, to be honest, it looks pretty comfortable!
It breaks our hearts to think that this dog was terrified at this moment, but we’re glad it managed to find somewhere safe to hide out until the storm had passed.
“You Wanna Be My Friend? ”
Animals are stubborn. There, we said it! Sure, they’re the cutest thing in the world, but they also have minds of their own. And while most of the time we love their independence, their stubbornness can be pretty annoying when they refuse to do what you say. And while this dog mom wanted their cute little pupper to walk by her side, this pooch just didn’t feel like playing by the rules!
So, we can only assume that its dog dad had to step in, empty his backpack, and find space for the dog to hang out. And that’s the face of a dog who got exactly what it wanted!
Landlord of the Year
It’s hard to find a landlord who allows pets in rented accommodation. But if you find one like the landlord of this property, you need to hold onto them tight! After all, when this landlord realized that their house didn’t have an internal door to the side yard, they decided to build these stairs for the dog to use instead. And as you can see by this dog’s facial expression, it was pretty happy with its new exit.

It takes a rare kind of landlord to do such a thing for another family’s pet, which just goes to show that they must have been a true animal lover through and through!
Smile of Dreams
Is there anything cuter than seeing your pet smile at you? We think not. It makes your heart swell, and it makes you feel as though you’re the person they love more than anything, and that’s pretty special. But have you ever just randomly said your pet’s name and received this reaction? We bet this person was over the moon to receive this response. That really is the smile of dreams.
And why wouldn’t this pooch be the happiest upper in the world? It’s sitting next to its favorite human, basking in the sunshine, with a pool at its feet! This dog is living its best life.
Making Friends
Animal lovers will know that dogs are extremely sociable creatures. They love being in the presence of their owners, they love playing with other dogs, and they love enjoying what the busy world has to offer! And it was a pretty big day for this pooch when it spotted its dog mom had brought some fish home from the pet store. In fact, it couldn’t take its eyes off them.
Just look at that eye contact and that contented face! We have a feeling that this dog has just found its new place to hang out when it’s not playing fetch or snoozing on the couch.
The Earl of Grumpy Town
Is this not the funniest animal photo you’ve ever seen in your life? This is the grumpiest-looking puppy we’ve ever seen, but what makes this whole situation even cuter is the fact that his name is Earl! So, we guess this guy is the Earl of Grumpy Town – and we think he takes his title and his job very seriously. Legend has it that he’s never even cracked a smile.
Of course, this puppy might not be as grumpy as it seems, but we think it should continue working with the grumpy look. It just makes it look even cuter, right?
A Dog’s Crush
What do you do when you have a crush on someone? You might hit them with your best pick up line or take them out on a date. But what does this dog do when it has a crush on another dog? It sits on them, of course! According to this dog mom, this cute puppy will sit on the other dogs that he likes as a way of making friends – and it’s just become his “thing” as he’s gotten older.
We’re not sure what the other dogs think about this situation, and we don’t know what they’ll think about it when this puppy grows up, but this is super cute!