Time for Bed
With so many amazing animals in animal shelters across the globe, adopting rather than shopping is more important than ever. And while adorable animals normally get snapped up in an instant, it’s often hard for pairs of animals to be adopted together. But the animal shelter put their foot down when it came to these guys. They’re not only siblings, but they’re also inseparable – and they weren’t going to rip them apart.
Thank goodness they didn’t! Before too long, they were adopted by a loving home – and you can tell that they’re pretty happy with where they’ve ended up. In fact, they still sleep like this every night.
Feeling the Wind
Being a cat lover and a dog lover at the same time can be a difficult mix to deal with. After all, one of three things can happen when you put a dog and a cat in the same house. They might absolutely hate each other and chase each other out of the house, they might simply co-exist and pretend as though the other doesn’t share their home, or they might get along like a house on fire.
It’s pretty rare when the latter happens, but it’s also pretty beautiful. Take these guys, for example! These guys do everything together, and they especially love shoving their head out of the window and feeling the breeze in their fur.
A Helping Paw
If you don’t think that dogs have the most beautiful souls, then you’ve obviously never owned a dog. Despite having a few naughty puppy years, dogs are completely devoted to their families and will do everything they can to put a smile on your face and help you out. And if you don’t believe us, just look at this big brother! When his baby sister couldn’t use the doggy door, he knew he had to lend a helping paw.
Every day, he stands there and lets his baby sister go through his legs. Of course, we’re not sure what’s going to happen when she gets bigger, but we’re sure they’ll cross that bridge when they get to it.
Size Isn’t Everything
Usually, bigger dogs have a bad reputation. People see them as aggressive and violent, and they don’t see them as the big softies that they are. But don’t just take our word for it. This adorable picture perfectly sums up the hearts of gold that all dogs have – and we’re obsessed with this rottweiler. When his human parents found a stray kitten and decided to take it in, he was the first to comfort it.

In fact, the Rottie spent hours sitting like this, protecting the tiny little fluffball and making sure it didn’t come to any harm. And that cat is definitely going to grow up to be the boss.
Paws up!
Did you know that animals sleep on their backs and show their bellies when they feel completely and utterly safe in a house? It’s a privilege to see your animal sleeping on their back, as this means that you’ve been doing everything right – and we can only assume that the animal lover who looks after these two is the best animal parent around. That’s a huge amount of trust right there.
Not only do they feel completely safe in their home and with their owner, but they also feel incredibly safe around each other. And in the world of cats and dogs, that’s a huge achievement.
The Purrrfect Fit
Animals love to feel safe and secure, especially when they’re sleeping. But one thing all pet owners need to realize is that you could spend a fortune on individual beds for your pets, but there’s a very high chance that they’ll all squeeze onto the same bed and sleep together every single night. Of course, it was already a tight squeeze when the two older cats were sleeping in this bed.
The new kitten didn’t seem to care, though. He just needed a little space, so he decided to squeeze himself in between his brother and sister so he felt extra safe and secure. How adorable!
The Sound of Silence
Anyone who has ever experienced the chaos of owning two dogs at the same time will know that having two dogs is like having two excitable toddlers in the house. Most of the time, the house is full of loud bashing, crashing, and howling. But on the odd occasion when there’s silence, you have to be cautious. Of course, they could just be sleeping – but it’s also highly likely that the silence is proof they’re up to no good.
When this animal lover heard a scuffle and then deafening silence, she knew something had happened. And she was right! We’re not 100% sure, but we don’t think the husky won that round…
Best Friends
When you adopt a pet from an animal shelter, you’re often told how they interact with animals. Most of the time, dogs and cats are deemed to be incompatible, and animal lovers are even told not to mix a cat with their dog. That’s exactly what happened here, and this animal lover was told not to have a husky and a kitten under the same roof. But as you can see, she proved them wrong!

From this photo alone, you can see that the husky feels completely safe with the kitten on him. And while we’ll never understand what a cat is thinking, it certainly looks very comfortable – and warm.
The Same Eyes
Many dogs have a very high prey drive, which means that they need to be kept away from small animals they may chase and try to eat. In most cases, having a dog and a guinea pig in the same house would be a recipe for disaster – and little bits of hamster fluff all over the floor. But sometimes miracles do happen. And besides, these guys are obviously twins!
Just look at those eyes. Sure, they might be completely different eyes, but the bond that these guys share is reminiscent of twins who look practically identical. Even the ears are the same.
Synchronized Sleeping
Have you ever met a person and clicked with them instantly? Many people find their soulmates in friend form, and some people are even luckier to find that with their siblings. But did you know that this gift isn’t reserved for the humans of the world? Animals also have their own soulmates, and in this case, you can see that these two 10-month-old kittens are connected in more ways than one.
Like many cats, they love sleeping together in the same bed. But these guys have taken their connection together one step further by showing off their synchronized sleeping! It really is uncanny.
Growing up With Siblings
It’s quite funny how similar animals are to humans. Just as humans understand the irritation of growing up with siblings and play fighting all the time, cats understand this two! One animal lover realized this for herself when she went on vacation and asked her sister to cat-sit for her. One day, she asked her sister to send her a picture update of how her two cats were going on – and it was clear to see that nothing had changed.

As usual, this sibling duo were spending their days annoying each other and getting on each other’s nerves. So, she could see that everything was normal. It was just another day in the mad house.
“I Eat Your Face”
Have you ever seen anything cuter? No, we thought not. This animal photo is perfect in every way. From the stunning waterside location to the beautiful sunset and the cutie pie dogs, we hope the owner of these two decided to frame these photos and stick them up on their wall. After all, it shows off her dogs’ personalities perfectly! On the left, you have the mature older brother. On the right, the silly baby.
It’s hard to choose which one of these pictures we love more, but the pup eating his big brother’s head is definitely up there. And the paw in the eye is a close second.
Old Dogs and New Tricks
You may have heard that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but it seems as though this bunny rabbit didn’t see that as an obstacle – it saw that as a challenge! Of course, it was probably a big adjustment for this old dog when his owners brought back a rabbit from the animal shelter, but it seems as though he’s getting used to having her around. Especially as she teaches him new tricks.
These guys have obviously spent so much time together that they’re starting to look and behave just like each other, but we guess there are worse things to happen in the world.
Don’t Let Go
Adopting an animal from the animal shelter is extremely rewarding, but there’s no doubt about the fact that it comes with its challenges. These animals often take a long time to trust their new owners, and they can often feel scared and alone. But this animal lover decided to make the transition even easier for their new adoptee, as they decided to adopt two adorable cats at the same time!
Of course, we don’t know for sure, but we have a feeling that they made the right decision. Apparently, they’ve been inseparable since they were adopted and are constantly holding hands.
The Face Says It All
You have to feel sorry for animal shelters. Not only are they in a strange place, but they don’t even have a family to call their forever home. And while the volunteers and veterinarians who care for these animals are life-savers, some animals just don’t cope well in a shelter setting – especially when they’ve been there a while. And in this animal temp house, the older cat has seen a lot of kittens come through the doors.

She hasn’t been adopted, but sees these kittens come and go quicker than her cat food. And while she may find them annoying, it’s clear to see that these little kitties think the sun shines out of her paws!
Up to No Good
Having one animal can really change your life, but have you ever looked at your pet and thought that they seemed a bit lonely? Although you can give them as much attention as they need, human attention is very different to the attention of another animal. That’s why it works in some animals’ favor to get them a sibling – and it just so happened that this animal lover brought home her cat’s sister from a different litter.
This introduction could have gone one of two ways, but we think it’s pretty clear to see that these ladies are a match made in cat heaven. And we just know that they’re constantly up to no good.
A Big Difference
There are two kinds of people in this world: cat people and dog people. These people are very different, but sometimes these opposites attract – and this can turn the worlds of their animals upside down. Take these two, for example. This cat was quite happy living with his introverted owner in their quiet apartment complex, but then they had to go and meet a happy-go-lucky dog person and fall in love.
The face says it all, really. The dog looks pretty excited to have a new brother, but the cat? Well, it seems as though the cat would quite happily go back to the quiet apartment.
Proud Big Brother
Have you ever seen anything cuter than a golden retriever being obsessed with his baby ducks? No, we thought not. This big softie now sees it as his mission to look after these little guys and keep them safe wherever they go, and we love that about him. After all, most people know what we say when we say ‘golden retriever energy’ – and this guy definitely has an abundance of golden retriever energy.
What we love even more about these photos is that it’s clear the ducks love him just as much as he loves them. And we’d love to be a part of this fluffy cuddle puddle.
Pinned Ya Again
Cats are strange creatures. On the one hand, they can be incredibly loving and loyal. But on the other hand, they can be very distant and rude. That’s why this animal lover didn’t know what to do when they saw that their gray and white cat looked a little lonely. Should they get another cat? Or should they leave it? As you can see, they opted to get another cat.

But we’re not sure what they were worried about. It looks as though these guys are getting on just fine! Sure, the gray kitty may be trying to bite the little guy’s face off, but that’s totally normal.
A New Bed
Whether you adopt a cat from an animal shelter or you raise your cat from a kitten, there’s one thing they’ll all have in common – and that’s the fact that they’ll always prefer a box to a bed. We’re not sure what it is about cats and boxes, but these guys will sniff a box out anywhere. And while you could spend a fortune on buying new beds, you just know the box will trump the bed any day.
When this animal lover bought a new bed for their cats, they assumed that the cats would at least try it out for size. Instead, they decided to invade the box it came in instead!
Eat, Sleep, Repeat
You probably don’t need us to tell you that cats are lazy. While dogs will spend their days zooming around the garden and sniffing on walks, cats much prefer a slower pace. They laze about on the couch, they fall asleep on your bed, and some will even fall asleep while they’re eating! But what we love about these two is the fact that they’re not even sleeping. They’re just conserving their energy.
But why are they doing this, we hear you ask? Well, when this family adopted a new cat, he taught the old cat to eat like this – and they’ve never looked back.
The Ultimate Photobomb
If you have a pet, there’s a high chance that your camera roll is full of pictures of your animal. In fact, you probably have more photos of your animal that were taken in the last week than you do of yourself from the last year. And when this cat lover tried to take a lovely photo of her cat in the back, she was rudely interrupted by a photobomber!
Anyone who has two cats will know that this is the reality of adding a second cat into the mix. Even if they don’t actually want to be involved, they still want to be involved!
Give Me a Hug
Is anyone else seeing a vicious cheetah in front of them? No? Just us? As if the animal-print onesie wasn’t enough to turn us into cat lovers, the love that these two share has just pushed us over the edge. This photo just goes to show that the bond between siblings is too strong to break, even when those siblings are just six months old. Yes, Lola and Tobi have nailed the cuteness.

These guys look totally inseparable, and it’s one of the sweetest things that we’ve ever seen. We just can’t help but wonder where Lola’s onesie is. Surely she needs an outfit, too?
Gossip Central
Why does it look like this adorable kitten has just heard some juicy gossip? Has her dog brother spilled the tea on the goings-on in their house? We can only assume that is the case, as those big eyes have definitely heard something juicy. Especially when you look at how they were before the dog came into the picture. Those are the eyes of a cat whose life has been changed by gossip.
While we don’t think we’ll ever know what the gossip is, we can appreciate the cuteness of the whole situation. From the bond that they share to the big, bold eyes, we’re obsessed.
Sharing Is Caring
At first glance, this looks like an adorable couple of animals who are living harmoniously under the same roof. But anyone who has ever lived with dogs and cats before will know that this probably isn’t the case. In fact, we can only assume that the cat decided to claim the dog bed as their own, which meant that the dog had to squeeze itself into the smallest space possible to go to sleep.
If you look closely at the Boxer’s face, you can see that he’s not too impressed. That’s the face of a dog who has had his bed stolen, for sure.
Floof in a Jar
Cats do the craziest things. From falling asleep in their cat food to pushing the photo frames off your hallway cabinet, these guys just can’t be tamed. But it seems as though they can’t understand their own kind, either. Just take these guys, for example. The white kitten loves to ‘hide’ in this glass jar for some reason, and her brother just doesn’t quite understand why. In fact, you can see the confusion on his face!
We know that cats love to hide in the strangest of places, but a glass jar? We’re new to seeing floor in a jar, but we can definitely get behind it.
Love at First Sight
Some dogs are definitely solo dogs. They want all of the attention for themselves, they want to be the sole focus of their owners’ minds, and they don’t want to share their space with any other pooch. But there are also many dogs out there who love having siblings – and we think two more doggos have been added to that list! After all, this is how this mastiff reacted when he saw his little sister for the first time.

We are definitely witnessing love at first sight here, and we’re obsessed with the tender paw-holding that’s going on here. Both of them look utterly in love with each other.
Big Floof and Little Floof
Adding another dog to the family is a big decision. You need to be 100% certain that you’re making the right decision, and you also need to think about the logistics of the whole situation – especially if you have a big dog. In this case, there’s no doubt about the fact that there’s a huge size different between this big floof and this little floof, but we don’t think that’s going to be a problem.
In this moment, we can only assume that the big dog is saying, “Hi! Don’t be afraid of me! People think I’m big and scary because of my size, but I’m going to look after you, little brother.”
Get a Sibling, They Said
Dogs can have different personalities, just like humans. In fact, many human siblings are totally different in character. One may be outgoing and loud, while the other may be introverted and quiet. And we have a feeling that this adorable animal photo is proof that dog siblings can also be totally different. In fact, we bet the older dog is regretting his decision to get a sibling in this moment.
The cutie on top is definitely having fun with his big brother, but this might be a “grow to love him” type of situation. There’s no love at first sight here.
Bunk Beds for Buddies
By this point, you should know that cats seem to have an aversion to proper cat beds. They’d much rather sleep in their dog brother’s bed or a box than their own bed – which is why this dog dad came up with the purrfect solution. He decided to try the oldest trick in the book and make them beds that weren’t like any other beds. Yes, these are cat bunk beds!
Because they don’t look like regular cat beds, it seems as though these cats were more than willing to try them out for size. And they haven’t left them since.
“Get This Thing off Me”
Everyone has their own specific love language. Some people like words of affirmation, others like quality time, and then there are those who like physical touch. We’re going to go out on a limb here and say that this cat definitely loves physical touch, but we get the impression that the black cat isn’t quite as convinced. He looks like he can’t wait for his sister to get off him, and it’s adorable!

Let’s hope that this black cat learns to love physical touch as time goes on because it looks as though his new sister doesn’t want to stop cuddling anytime soon!
Going Back for Seconds
Anyone who has ever adopted a cat from an animal shelter will know how difficult it can be to choose the right cat – especially if they have siblings in the animal shelter, too. On this occasion, this family decided to adopt a girl and take her home, leaving her brother behind. But after a few days, they realized that their new addition wasn’t a solo animal at all. So, they went back.
Before too long, brother and sister were reunited and immediately started getting up to mischief in their favorite place in the house – the bathroom! They look so sneaky, and we love it.
The Best Big Brother
Sometimes, siblings just don’t get on. But every so often you come across a pair of siblings who adore the heck out of each other – and you’re looking at one of them. While this big brother was pretty happy living a solo life on his own, he didn’t realize just how fun it could be to have a puppy in the house. And as you can see from the little guy’s face, he’s obsessed with his big bro.
That is the look of love and admiration right there, and it seems as though this puppy is looking up to his big brother in both a physical and metaphorical sense.
Not Impressed
We all know what Grumpy Cat looks like, but let’s be honest: every cat is a grumpy cat! Most of the time, this is just what their face looks like when they’re resting, and they don’t mean to look so grumpy, but on this occasion, we think this cat really is grumpy. We don’t blame him, either. Yesterday he had the whole house (and his humans) to himself. Today, he has to share.
His new little sister may be bigger than him, but we get the impression that this cat isn’t going to take any funny business. He’s going to run that house.
The Prawn Pose
Have you ever had a situation where you spend so much time with someone that you start to behave like them? You pick up their little sayings, you mimic their mannerisms, and you start doing everything they do? While you might have assumed that this only happened to humans, this adorable animal photo is proof that it can also happen to your pets. Even when you have a cat and a dog together.

These two look like they love spending time together, but more than anything, it seems as though they love to show off their synchronized prawn pose. It doesn’t look very comfortable, though.
Sibling Rivalry
Most animal siblings love each other, but every animal has a bad day, right? But what makes a cat madder than anything? Their sibling stealing their box! Although these guys were supposed to be sharing their lovely box (despite the fact that they had their own beds just a short walk away), one of these siblings decided to have a little extra time to snuggle and cuddle amongst the cardboard corners/
Of course, there was only one way to solve this animal-sibling debate. They sharpened their claws, they would up their paws, and they decided to fight it out. We wonder who won?
Fitting in Nicely
Many people adopt animals from animal shelters, but that’s not the only way to rescue a pet. When the kitten in this picture showed up on the porch of this family’s house, the humans didn’t know what to do. In the end, they decided to keep him – despite their worries that the new kitten would struggle to get along with the other cats in the house. But as you can see, the older cat is tolerating him!
At this point the adopted animal is definitely happier with this new set-up than the older cats, but we’re sure they’ll come around after a few more weeks of cuddling and box-sharing.
Enough Hugs!
Cats and dogs are very different when it comes to their physical affection needs. While dogs could snuggle all day, cats love a snuggle while also having the ability to go off and have their own space. But what happens when you put these two pets together? Well, you end up with a situation like this. Although the dog looks pretty content, the cat looks as though it’s going to snap at any minute.
This cat would probably be happy if they were an only-pet, but this dog is absolutely obsessed with his sibling. And what’s a sibling relationship without a little bit of hate thrown in there for good measure?
Attack of the Cat
Sebastien, meet everyone. Everyone, meet Sebastian! He’s the black cat that had a very comfortable and happy life when he was the only animal in the house. But he’s also the cat that has just been given a little sister, and it’s fair to say that he’s struggling to adapt. We don’t blame him, either. While the white kitten may be the cutest thing we’ve ever seen, those tiny kitty fangs can be deadly.
Thankfully, Sebastien seems to be taking the whole situation in his stride. He’s letting his little sister have a little fun before he lays down the law and teaches her the rules.
Derp Husky Brothers
Have you ever come across dogs that are just so derpy you can’t cope? Well, look no further! And it seems as though the husky at the front doesn’t quite understand how his brothers could be so derpy, either. While those two at the back eat each other’s faces and roll around in the snow, the husky at the front is patiently waiting for his humans to come and save him.

But what we love about these huskies is that they’re brothers! So it just goes to show that even animal siblings can be totally and utterly different in character and personality.